Nurturing a child's interest is one of the most important aspects of parenting. Many of us try to live our unfulfilled life through our children's lives, which is really shattering for the children. They have to bear the wrath of such desires and high ambitions. The most saddening aspect of this reliving comes alive when this turns out be a never ending vicious circle, the victimized children try to live their dreams through their children now. The thought itself is so confusing that the children are bound to be in shackles.
I being a parent myself have always believed that children have immense potential. It is for you to generate interest in them for various fields. It depends on you - how much capable you are to give them inputs or source inputs for them. Your duty is just to be with them for the support they need, guidance they desire and appreciation they crave for. A small token of appreciation in terms of a nice remark, a warm hug, a pat on the back and light kiss on the cheeks can do wonders for your tiny tot.
It is said "Preach what you Teach". As a doting parent you should set an example in front of your children for anything and everything that you are teaching. Many of us would be outright in setting the 'Do's and Don'ts' but how many of us follow it to roots? It is so easy for each one of us to ask a child not to watch TV after 10 PM, not to eat junk often, not to waste time with friends and acquaintances, and so on. But please ask yourself, how many of you have been successful in implementing the same in your lives too - no TV after 10 PM, no junk on the plate too often, no time-killing with friends and acquaintances?
If you've been one of those who could achieve these targets for yourself, let me congratulate you for not considering your children as a burden or their priorities and schedules as hurdles. You've been there for their needs and demands and you are treading on the path of setting strong moral values in your children. When these children become critical of your upbringing, they will surely appreciate your decisions and moves in life.
Children are God's wonderful creations and they give you an aim in life. It feels so blessed to have them because these innocent minds have to be carved and crafted for excellence, they have to be moulded for perfection and they have to be prepared to face the adversities of life. Your training should give them confidence to be bold enough to face the world and take up the challenges.
Try to read their interests and minds, and then train them for professional expertise in life. You have to be a mentor and trainer for them. You have to be a disciplinarian but a close friend to them too. They should feel free to confide in you and walk to you to discuss their 'heart and mind'. They should enjoy your company and you should feel honored to be with them through the thick and thin and take them through all the initial phases of life.
Parenting should not be confined to four walls. It is actually training the future leaders who can beautify and uplift the mankind for a promising future. William Ross Wallace had been appreciating the role of mothers in this initiative by writing the poem "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the World". In no way, father's role is demeaning!
Fathers actually play a crucial role in making a child comfortable outside his comfort zone. A father's role is all the more important to prepare the child to face the attrocities of materialistic and self-centered world. He is the guiding light for every child to be brave and strong. He teaches the child to take a stand for everything in life.
Parenting on whole is a wonderful self-learning project, the outcome of which is overwhelming if both mother and father strive to groom the child for being an all rounder rather than an academician, a sportsperson, a musician or a craftsman. Profession would always be a secondary aspect as a parent, because that would be based on child's interest and his meritorious capabilities. These are not going to undermine any individual's efforts.
It is utmost important to teach the child a positive competition that leads to self improvement rather than inculcating a negative competitive spirit that always emphasizes on pulling down the opponent and considering him as a rival. And remember for this too, you will have to preach if you plan to teach! Happy positive parenting :)
I being a parent myself have always believed that children have immense potential. It is for you to generate interest in them for various fields. It depends on you - how much capable you are to give them inputs or source inputs for them. Your duty is just to be with them for the support they need, guidance they desire and appreciation they crave for. A small token of appreciation in terms of a nice remark, a warm hug, a pat on the back and light kiss on the cheeks can do wonders for your tiny tot.
It is said "Preach what you Teach". As a doting parent you should set an example in front of your children for anything and everything that you are teaching. Many of us would be outright in setting the 'Do's and Don'ts' but how many of us follow it to roots? It is so easy for each one of us to ask a child not to watch TV after 10 PM, not to eat junk often, not to waste time with friends and acquaintances, and so on. But please ask yourself, how many of you have been successful in implementing the same in your lives too - no TV after 10 PM, no junk on the plate too often, no time-killing with friends and acquaintances?
If you've been one of those who could achieve these targets for yourself, let me congratulate you for not considering your children as a burden or their priorities and schedules as hurdles. You've been there for their needs and demands and you are treading on the path of setting strong moral values in your children. When these children become critical of your upbringing, they will surely appreciate your decisions and moves in life.
Children are God's wonderful creations and they give you an aim in life. It feels so blessed to have them because these innocent minds have to be carved and crafted for excellence, they have to be moulded for perfection and they have to be prepared to face the adversities of life. Your training should give them confidence to be bold enough to face the world and take up the challenges.
Try to read their interests and minds, and then train them for professional expertise in life. You have to be a mentor and trainer for them. You have to be a disciplinarian but a close friend to them too. They should feel free to confide in you and walk to you to discuss their 'heart and mind'. They should enjoy your company and you should feel honored to be with them through the thick and thin and take them through all the initial phases of life.
Parenting should not be confined to four walls. It is actually training the future leaders who can beautify and uplift the mankind for a promising future. William Ross Wallace had been appreciating the role of mothers in this initiative by writing the poem "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the World". In no way, father's role is demeaning!
Fathers actually play a crucial role in making a child comfortable outside his comfort zone. A father's role is all the more important to prepare the child to face the attrocities of materialistic and self-centered world. He is the guiding light for every child to be brave and strong. He teaches the child to take a stand for everything in life.
Parenting on whole is a wonderful self-learning project, the outcome of which is overwhelming if both mother and father strive to groom the child for being an all rounder rather than an academician, a sportsperson, a musician or a craftsman. Profession would always be a secondary aspect as a parent, because that would be based on child's interest and his meritorious capabilities. These are not going to undermine any individual's efforts.
It is utmost important to teach the child a positive competition that leads to self improvement rather than inculcating a negative competitive spirit that always emphasizes on pulling down the opponent and considering him as a rival. And remember for this too, you will have to preach if you plan to teach! Happy positive parenting :)