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Monday, December 2, 2013

Who did better?

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosby, comedian

I’m sure most of you would end up reading this saying may be a couple of times first before you proceed ahead with this blog. For many, the truth and the fact lies in this single sentence as you must be toiling really hard to please everyone day in and day out. But of all those with whom you are associated with, there would definitely be atleast one person who would not be happy with your behavior, your attitude, your style, or may be anything that is so related to you or your action. Did you ever question yourself whose fault it is?
Without even giving it a second thought, undoubtedly it is your fault for not having thought about yourself. It is your fault for having considered yourself as the genius master of all the tasks. It is your fault for having expected appreciation from people around you. And above all, it is your fault for having neglected yourself for all this period to satisfy others’ needs, expectations and aspirations.

The end result for most of you would have been that you would have been made the victim of an erroneous or rather an unsatisfactory task at the expense of neglecting yourself. What did you achieve? Apart from the innumerous suggestions on this would have been better this way or that way, you all have really ended up wasting quite a substantial amount of time that would have been worthwhile if you would have spent it on yourself. Even if that meant doing nothing and taking rest for some time, it would have added to your energy levels and would have definitely helped you to overcome your sleep deficit quota.
I feel everyone should accept the fact that each individual has a specific skill set, set energy levels and hence working temperament as well. No two individuals can match each other for these factors and hence we should respect everyone’s individuality for this. Again, as I’ve said in my previous blogs stop comparing and stop expecting…this is the only way to live a happy life. This attitude towards life gives you an opportunity to appreciate each individual’s skill set in a much more effective way and lets you honor his/her credentials without demeaning the counterparts.

“Who is better than whom?” is an endless vicious circle that gives rise to “Who did better than whom?” leading to diminishing effects on the individual and his actions too. Hence, don’t ever make a folly to attempt to please everyone. This is an unachievable target and would yield zero output. Rather set your priorities and make your skill set evident to the world so that you can tread on the path of excellence in your field of expertise.

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