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Thursday, November 21, 2013

How to live life?

It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. The act of dying is not of importance, it lasts so short a time. Samuel Johnson

I read it on one of the social networking sites. I pondered on it a lot. Then, I realized how true it is as ever. I too feel that it is the value that a man brings to the society which is of utmost importance. No one can deny the fact that as social animals we have some moral responsibilities towards different entities, family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and above all society. Society is the super set of all other categories. It is constituted of people like you and me.

So why not build a society that provides a platform for our next generation to respect and honor everyone in their lives. The onus of upliftment lies on all of us who expect something better to be given to the next generation. We need to strive hard to give quality education to them, we need to imbibe in them a culture that mutually benefits all the people around and above all we need to teach them that it is the supreme Almighty who has given us a chance to be on this earth! After all, according to our ancient vedas also, the Gods were here on the earth to accomplish great tasks!

For the Gods also, the path to success was rough, it was tough, the hurdles were many, the supporters were meager but the pleasure of success, the joy of victory, the feeling of triumph and the elation of the accomplishment was beyond an explanation! And it is their accomplishments which are given as a reference to us.

I also feel that getting associated to some under privileged people lets us realize the need of everything. It is then we know how blessed we are and why we should contribute to the society. This also makes you appreciate all the positives in life and there is a special bond that you develop with those people. Probably, there is a secret pledge in your heart to serve them with all the means to the best of your capabilities. 

So, give this a thought! It needs few materialistic inputs in terms of resources but a lot of value education that needs to be penetrated in the young minds to encourage them to take the lead in their lives. It is this act that would truly matter while judging how the person lived his life!

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