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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Traditional evolution

To many of you this title might seem at random. Many of you might think what vague thoughts I'm penning down! But this is something that I've been experiencing for quite some time now.

Here is the plot of the basis. It so happened that I got married in a different culture and in an altogether different family set up by sheer virtue of loving the best competent person in this world. With great pride I can say he was, he is and he will be the best soul mate I could have ever found. He is a perfect embodiment of love, care, affection, honesty, and probably all the good adjectives that constitute the huge 4.5-billion-word corpus of any internationally recognized word plethora; a dictionary! With him I got lovely people to share my joys and offload my sorrows; but the package was a bigger one as there was a bundle of age old thoughts bundled in metropolitan wrapping sheet!

As is said, you cannot change everyone to suit your requirements; the universal law was applicable to me too. I cannot change or modulate the thought process of everyone around me. They exist in perfect accordance with their upbringing, education, moral values and traditions. But the diminishing relationships due to un-evolved thoughts and traditions is something that bothers me, especially now when I'm a part of this family and this has to go to my son as a heritage.

A day came in my life when I decided that I cannot pass on this legacy with flaws to my next generation. It is my moral duty to fine tune it before I hand over the cultural heritage to him. It is then when I thought of changing the society and to do that the change has to begin with my family. I love the fact that we all are together in times of need, we share our joys, we stand by each other in times of sorrow, and we value each other's presence in our life but there are days when this coin tosses the other way round. The tail-end has a gloomy picture. Saddening is the fact, that at those times we forget our past, we forget the company we rejoiced, we underestimate the efforts being put in by our near and dear ones.

The root cause of this is the belief that one comprising entity could not follow the age old tradition. The dictionary meaning of tradition is "a custom or belief that has existed for a long time". But have you ever thought, from where did these originate? I'll be straight forward in writing that these originated when people like you and me thought of following something because we liked it.

Now with the evolution of homo sapiens, the signals radiated from the brain wire also need to be modulated well with the aesthetic changes happening to the modern society because of the presence of rapidly evolved entities like you and me!!

The traditional evolution should accommodate the life style changes, the competitive edge we need to give to the youngsters, the rising inflation that is putting rupee in a real bad position and the rising fair enough demands projected by the next generation which are actually needed to help them evolve with the changing time.

We cannot neglect these facts and I would be really glad to share my experiences and hence the learning in days to come through this wonderful platform of uninterrupted expression. I strongly believe in experiential learning!

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