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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Unsolicited disturbing guests

Life is a beautiful term coined in the dictionary! Indeed it is beautiful for the wide range of species it engulfs, the broad spectrum of emotions it gives us to experience, nice people to associate with, loving human beings we relate to, affectionate living creatures whom we domesticate and take care of, wonderful learning outcomes as we progress, valuable teachings we impart and still a lot more which we cannot pen down but appreciate their fact of existence. Awesome is the word to describe it!!

But at times it does happen that we are not too happy with other creatures’ presence in our lives. The very thought of these creatures disturb us. We don’t even want to think of them and want them to stay away from us for the rest of their lives. How could they disturb us? How could they interfere with our daily routine? Why does it happen that we get perturbed by their presence? Why do they scare us? Why God gave them the liberty to do this?

The fact is that they have a heart beating in them!! But it is also a fact that they have a brain that is doing something really different and that something might not be acceptable to our brain. The result is a conflict. However hard we may try to convince ourselves for the fact that their brain has a limitation to think and act, still we cannot love them by all our heart.

Yesterday was a horrifying experience for me. I really got disturbed by the awful presence of these creatures in my home. I never invited them. The most saddening part was that they sat through the entire afternoon yesterday, troubled us through the evening, scared us through the night and are now actually disturbing me and my family since morning today. If at all my home was so inviting that they really felt ‘Home sweet home’, why on this earth did they think of raiding us in swarms??

I now want to shoo them away, though they are one of the God’s beautiful creations. They are the wasps. They sting. They don’t let us use our balconies. They don’t let us keep our doors open. They don’t let any of us breathe in the fresh air in our balconies. They are building their hive just next to our balcony…We are trying our level best to get rid of them. Their brain is just not signaling that we hate them. We are sick of them. Now how would God know that though they are just as important as we are to Him, still we cannot think of sharing our space!

This is where God needs to fine tune the brains and the hearts to understand that everyone has their own space and we need to respect that rather than barge in that without a thought. For now, God is making us criminals. In self-defense, we are somehow trying to get rid of these unwanted guests. May the human squad armed with innumerous bottles of Hit, equipped with uncountable coils of Mortein, loaded with nice fuming incense sticks get immediate respite from this buzzing raiding swarm…we are tainted with zzzzzzzzzzz phobia!