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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do it even when afraid

Facing our fears is sometimes the hardest thing to do. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed unless it is faced.

Some people live in their own sweet world of phobias. They are just not ready to come out of it. I wonder why? They have their small world of pre-conceived thoughts where they feel if they try to modify something, the world is going to fall flat on them. They have inhibitions to bring about a change or think of improvements in their life. At times I feel like just pulling out all these people from their safe-zone shells and show them that the world is all about improvements, modifications, betterment and above all self-satisfaction.

You cannot achieve glory overnight but at the same time you cannot tread the glorious path till the time you actively think about what change you want to see. There is no success guarantee formula that any one can give but the assurance that your soul would definitely appreciate your move is always there.

Many of you will also have to make some sacrifices in choosing the righteous path, many of you would also have to welcome various pressures and many would also be pulled into the social stigma of being the undesirably rebellious entity but, your first step is the step of strong unwavering determination to accomplish what you've always wanted.

The next step is to be associated with your dream religiously. Then comes the stage when you have to make sure that nothing can alter your decision and your willingness to bring about the change you want to see. You've to overcome your phobias. You have to be absolutely sure to focus on your goal.

It is then when you'll achieve your goals, you'll accomplish your dreams and see the change in yourself. You'll emerge as a strong personality who knows how to tread the righteous path of success which has many hardships and obstacles to overcome but the destination of achievement is blissful.

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