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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Promise to myself

I'm feeling very delighted today; I've promised myself to be what I want to be! I want to bring about a revolution, a reformation, a wave that takes me through this phase and establish myself as a professional writer and contributor in the intellectual industry.

I'm pleased to introduce myself as a self-starter who wants to bring about a change in the future of the nation by educating the society dwellers about what is the need of the hour, how to upbring the children, how to cultivate positive family atmosphere, how to nurture relationships, and how to discard or disown silly stupid traditional rituals that are nothing but a wastage of time, money and energy.

I want to bring about a change that helps the society see a new face and a new era where nothing but only the education would matter, where the relationships would stand on the strong foundation of love, care and affection sans money and status of parents, where each family member would be treated with equal respect irrespective of the typical north-Indian notion of worshipping son-in-law and daughters!

I hope this blog can bring a big sigh of relief to all the patrons of this thought. I would need the support from everyone who believes in this ideology...

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