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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Empowering women

Empowering the women has been my motto and aim in life. Whenever I see women in distress I really get upset. Probably, because I've always imagined women as a source of strength and courage. In Hindu mythology, Goddess Durga is seen as a source of strength, divine power, courage, strong determination and will power.

With this picture in mind, it is just unbelievable to see any woman in distress. Many a times, we see women acting as the enemy of other women. This gives an opportunity to the men to ill treat women because they do have backing of other powerful ladies for their wrong deeds.

I feel women should equip themselves with education. It is solely the education that gives them strength to face the world with all their strength. At times, many people confuse education with literacy. How literate you are is not that important; but being educated definitely adds to your strengths. Education gives you the edge to differentiate between good and bad, useful and useless, meaningful and meaningless, and so on.

This just does not happen by sending the girl child to the school. It happens when it is told to the girl child what to accept and what not to. It also makes more sense by giving valid reasons for doing something. Reasoning helps to make a difference between the right way and the wrong way. This also refrains each woman from becoming a foe to another woman.

A woman can feel connected to another woman only when both are compassionate about each other's situation. Respect and honor for the other individual has to be inculcated as an individual grows. This happens when the moral values are instilled and inculcated. Someone has rightly said, "Practice what you teach and preach." It is with this attitude that a small child witnesses the beauty of characteristic features of each individual and this is how everyone would start appreciating the individualism of every human being on this earth.

Beauty with brains is the need of the hour. Women should not ever succumb to the pressure and should be bold enough to take stand for what they think is right. Why to let anyone make you a pawn for their benefit? Don't let others use you; Almighty has something planned for you, don't let the external pressure deviate you from your righteous path and always trust the notion that if you cannot change anything just ignore and move on but don't ever succumb to pressures in life. 

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