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Monday, November 18, 2013

Secret anniversaries

How many of you feel blessed to have celebrated anniversaries of heart? I enjoy celebrating each anniversary of heart!! These anniversaries are really different from the usual anniversaries or birthdays you celebrate. Those are the days when the celebration is made very public, those are the days when everyone around you are a part of the celebration, but these silent anniversaries are something which the two of you celebrate.

Life gives us innumerous opportunities to rejoice and relive each cherished moment. It gives us the option to be happy and thank God for blessing us with wonderful people around. Being a social animal, we cannot live in isolation. We need someone to share our joys, someone to offload our tensions and frustrations, someone to celebrate our success with. It is so pleasing to share the secret anniversaries of heart.

Some people might call you crazy for remembering those silly dates but this all tells about your passion for the person with whom you share the date! It is by default that the date gets registered in your mind and stays there for years to come. It is because you feel something nostalgic about the day, about the time spent and about the memories being made. It is one of those pleasurable days when your presence on this earth was acknowledged for and you felt on the seventh heaven!

At times these are the special days when you wanted something to happen, you were looking for something to be eventful and that was something you wished for, you prayed for and by the Almighty's blessings, it finally happened.

You should feel thankful to the God for giving you an opportunity to feel blessed on few special days. These are infact the days when you felt your world is just the other person. Also, this day gives you an opportunity to give credit to the other person for being thoughtful about you. May such anniversaries bring in immense joy and happiness for all of you!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very true feelings expressed brilliantly...!! :):)